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New board game inspires climate change awareness: The new board game “Daybreak” asks players to collaborate and stop a two-degree Celsius temperature change. Read about it in this story by Alaska’s KCAW.

Iowa rejects federal summer program that provides low-income families $40 a week subsides: Citing what they say would be a $2 2 million administrative cost to the state, Iowa officials have said “no” to the federal Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program for food in between school months. Iowa Capital Dispatch explains more about the decision and reasons behind it.

Black Santas and LGBTQ+ themed holiday specials flourish this year. Taking a look back seven years ago, when an essayist’s call for non-white Santas raised a ruckus, NBC News takes a look at how the modern-day preponderance of Black Santas is connected to race relations. The network also explores how increased LGBTQ+ plotlines and characters on the Hallmark Channel have infuriated conservative commentators.

(photo credit: soulchristmas, Flickr)