Category: National and World Briefs

Mental health in Illinois schools, used Christmas trees, increased rural outreach by colleges and universities, and more

There’s a better purpose for your used Christmas tree than sitting by the garbage bin. Learn about how New Orleans is using old Christmas trees for wetlands restoration, about mental health in Illinois schools, Kim Reynolds’ defiance of Donald Trump, new Ebony Alerts, and increased outreach to rural areas by colleges and universities.

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Elijah McClain paramedics convicted, racial biases of AI, expanded marijuana pardons and more

Paramedics who injected Elijah McClain with ketamine convicted of negligent homicide. A new FDA-approved test for opioid use disorder looks at “brain reward pathways:” A judge will rule by Jan. 1 on Iowa’s book ban. And Forbes looks at how AI facial recognition duplicates existing biases. And for the second time in his tenure, President Joe Biden is focusing on expanded pardons for marijuana offenses.

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