LGBTQ+ Basics presentation coming Monday
Want to learn about some key ways to understand, relate to, and connect with LGBTQ+ people around you? Check out the latest LGBTQ+ Basics presentation from The Project of the Quad Cities this Monday (April 15).
- Community educator Viminda Shafer will offer guidance on “affirming the queer people in your life” through a three-hour session that includes lunch.
- Shafer will cover seven aspects of LGBTQ culture, including vocabulary, bias, first impressions, and more.
- You can register for this event here; a reminder the $25 admission includes the full session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., plus lunch — all at TPQC’s new headquarters at 4101 John Deere Rd., Moline.

The Iowa LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce is holding a Quad Cities event, the fourth regional launch in the state.
LGBTQ Chamber to hold Quad Cities area launch
The Quad Cities area will host the fourth launch event of the new Iowa LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce April 25 at Me & Billy Kitchen and Bar, 2oo W. 3rd St., Davenport:
- The event is a chance for LGBTQ affirming businesses and groups to learn about the new Chamber and the benefits that come with a membership.
- The Chamber has already held launches in central Iowa, eastern Iowa, and the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area. For more information go to the Facebook event page.
Pride in Memory documentary fundraiser coming April 28
The “Pride in Memory” documentary about the Quad Cities’ LGBTQ history has been in the works for about three years now. On April 28, you can help support the effort at a Red Carpet Fundraiser at The Last Picture House in Davenport.

Quad Cities Pride in Memory holds a Red Carpet Fundraiser April 28 at The Last Picture House in Davenport.
- The evening includes a sneak peek at the documentary — and also a complete showing of the 2012 AIDS advocacy documentary “How to Fight A Plague.”
- Journalist David France, whose partner died of AIDS, created the documentary to chronicle the founding in the 1980s of ACT UP, a grass-roots protest group of mainly gay men that pressed government officials for more research and investment into AIDS prevention.
- The evening will also feature a preview of Quad Cities Pride in Memory’s film, under production in collaboration with Fourth Wall Films, a Moline-based company involved in several regional documentaries.
- Admission is $50 and benefits Quad Cities Pride in Memory.

Joy Tomchin, left, and David France received the Peabody Award for the 2021 documentary “How to Survive a Plague,” showing April 28 as part of the Red Carpet Fundraiser for Quad Cities Pride in Memory.
Call for volunteers, entries for QC Pride Parade
After two years in downtown Moline, the QC Unity Pride Parade will move back to its original starting location of Davenport June 1, crossing the Centennial Bridge and Mississippi River into Illinois. Entries are now being sought for the parade:
- The parade will start at 11 a.m. in Davenport, at a location to be announced, and will cross the Centennial Bridge, proceeding to Schwiebert Park.
- That’s where the Quad Cities Pride Festival kicks off its second day, starting at noon.
- Registration forms are promised soon for those who want to participate in the parade. For now, call 563-324-8281, or email
- The group is also seeking volunteers; reach out through the same number and email to give of your time.

The Quad Cities Pride Alliance is seeking vendors for the Quad Cities Pride Festival May 31-June 1.
Vendors sought for Quad Cities Pride Festival, Pride Party at Bass Street Landing
The seven cities that make up the Quad Cities have two annual community Pride festivals, and both are inviting vendors and nonprofits to sign up.
- The Quad Cities Pride Festival invites vendors and groups to sign up here for the two-day festival, happening May 31 and June 1.
- The vendor fee for the two-day Quad Cities Pride Festival is $150-$175 for those who sign up before May 10, and $200 after. Nonprofit groups receive a 20 percent discount off of those fees.
- Proceeds benefit the nonprofit Quad Cities Pride Alliance that organizes the event.
- The Pride Party at Bass Street Landing happening June 15 in Moline is also seeking vendors and groups for its one-day vendor fair; sign up here.
- The vendor fee for this event, happening at 17th Street and River Drive, is $20 for private businesses and free for nonprofits.
- Proceeds benefit event host and nonprofit The Project of the Quad Cities and its programs of LGBTQ health care, mental health care, gender transition care, harm reduction and community events to all of the Quad Cities and 20 surrounding counties.

The Project of the Quad Cities is seeking vendors for its June 15 Pride Party at Bass Street Landing, and also runners, walkers or rollers for the Pride 5K happening that same morning.
TPQC seeks runners, walkers, rollers, ballers
If you’re looking for a chance to enjoy the outdoors, some healthy movement in a no-pressure situation, or just a nice night at Davenport’s waterfront ballpark, The Project of the Quad Cities has some options for you:
- The third annual Pride 5K Walk, Run & Roll takes place the morning of the Pride Party at Bass Street Landing Sat, June 15, at the intersection of 17th St. and River Blvd. in Moline. Sign up here.
- You can run, walk, ride in an assistive device, or ride a bike. You can also choose between the full 5K route, or a one-mile route.
- Proceeds benefit The Project of the Quad Cities’ provision of LGBTQ health care, mental health care, gender transition care, harm reduction and community events.
- Sign-up for the Pride 5K is $30 for the 5K and $15 for the mile, if you register before April 28, when those rates change to $40 and $25.
- You can also take in Pride Night with the River City Bandits at 6:30 p.m. June 13, at Modern Woodman Park along the Davenport waterfront. Grab $12 Green State Credit Union Bleachers tickets for only $8, by entering the code “PRIDE” (whether capitalized or not). TPQC will also provide a free koozie to Pride attendees.

Candi Stratton, a world-renowned Cher impersonator who is also former Miss Trans USA, will be guest caller and performer at Pride Bingo for Clock June 24.
Clock Inc. gets gamey for Pride Month
You can attend not one, but two, fundraising game nights for and with Clock Inc. LGBT Community Center in the pride month of June. One is on the Illinois side of the Quad Cities, and the other is on the Iowa side. Sign up for both at
- Taylor Swift Trivia Night takes place Thurs., June 13, at 6 p.m.
- If you’re a Swiftie (or even if you’re not), don’t miss this Facebook event page, filled with Taylor tidbits.
- It’s $8 a person to participate.
- Pride Drag Bingo happens Mon., June 24 at Davenport’s Raccoon Motel, 315 E. 2nd St., starting at 7 p.m.
- Special guest caller for the night is Candi Stratton, former Miss Trans USA, and best-known for her Cher impersonations. She’ll perform, too.
- It’s $7 per card to join the fun, with a four-card limit for each person.
- Proceeds from both events benefit Clock Inc. and its programs including support groups, seminars, social events, a transgender clothing closet, voice lessons, and more.
- Reminder: reserve your spot at either event by emailing