
Love Letter to my Black Queer People

Love Letter to my Black Queer People

I see you. Every time I sit down to write this column, to put into words all the tender spots in my heart, I feel this extreme tiredness. The kind of tiredness that, even in 90-degree heat, sinks you right back under the covers. I keep thinking about all the eyes that...

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From WTF to illumination: July Tarotscope for the Collective

From WTF to illumination: July Tarotscope for the Collective

WTF?? That’s the impetus for this month’s tarotscope. It conveys frustration, exhaustion, and exasperation. It’s a universal and collective WTF to this year, this country, this society. And it’s more of a statement than a question. The first six months of 2020 were a...

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Tarotscope: A Time of Unlearning

Tarotscope: A Time of Unlearning

As a heteronormative, cisgender, white woman of European and English descent, who has lived a life of privilege, I feel inappropriate when I say, "I am tired." But I am. Many of us are. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Being tired is good. It means...

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